In 2017, the Government of Viet Nam and its international Development Partners formally established the Viet Nam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG) to strengthen cooperation, dialogue and exchange of experiences and knowledge in the country’s Energy Sector.
The overall objective of the Viet Nam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG) is to work towards effective and efficient international support to the government of Viet Nam and engage stakeholders to deliver a sustainable energy transition in Viet Nam, in line with national law and international agreements of which Viet Nam is a member.
To provide a forum for high-level policy dialogue and thematic dialogue between the Vietnamese side, Development Partners, state-owned companies and non-state actors on energy development in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change.
To provide a platform to facilitate alignment of ODA with Viet Nam’s sustainable energy transition, climate change strategies and action plans, shared international commitments, and private investment in the energy sector.
To provide a platform to facilitate the implementation of development cooperation activities in the energy sector and to reinforce coherence and effectiveness of international support while avoiding duplication and fragmentation of aid delivery.
To enhance learning through information sharing and communication on the energy sector between national and international participants.
The VEPG Steering Committee is chaired by a Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) and co-chaired by two representatives of the Development Partners (VEPG Co-Chairs). It includes further senior representatives of MOIT and is supported by the VEPG Secretariat. The VEPG Steering Committee guides the management, planning and operations of the VEPG, including its Technical Working Groups (TWGs) and the VEPG Secretariat.
The VEPG Secretariat was established in 2017 to support the operation of the VEPG and to foster the policy and thematic dialogues between the Vietnamese stakeholders, Development Partners, state-owned companies and non-state actors on energy development within the VEPG framework.
Since July 2022, the Stantec-led Consortium, including Stantec, CEERD, DEM and SNV, has been hosting the VEPG Secretariat as part of the “EU ‐ Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Facility (EVSET Facility)” under the framework of the EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Programme (SETP) funded by the European Union (EU).
The primary responsibility of the VEPG Secretariat is to support the operation of the VEPG, including assistance with the preparation of the VEPG and TWGs annual workplans, organisation of High-level meetings, Steering Committee and TWG meetings, preparation of TWGs progress and monitoring reports. In addition, the VEPG Secretariat support the TWGs in establishing ad-hoc Task Forces (TFs), allowing intensive work on specific, priority topics that fall within their scope of work to be developed.