Evaluate of the Vietnam Energy Outlook Report 2019 (EOR19)
The Viet Nam Energy Outlook 2019 Report (EOR 19) was prepared by the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority (EREA) under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) in cooperation with the Danish Energy Agency (DEA), and the support of the Danish Embassy in Hanoi. The analysis in the EOR19 focused on a number of topics including: energy resources, saving and efficiency, renewable energy, balancing electrical systems; pollution and impact on public health; suggest orientations for energy policies and discuss Viet Nam’s green transitions and make recommendations for the preparation of the National Energy Plan and the Power Development Plan VIII.
The EOR 19 was launched in November 2019. You can access the materials via the following link: https://vietnam.um.dk/en/green-growth/vietnam-energy-outlook-report/
DEA and the MOIT will continue to prepare a 2021 Vietnam Energy Outlook Report (EOR21). In order to contribute to better EOR21 research, DEA and MOIT are conducting a survey an Online interview, with a questionnaire about valuating the reasonableness, necessity and what needs improvement of the issues mentioned in EOR19.
Therefore, after reading EOR19, please take 10-15 minutes to assess EOR19, by checking the appropriate boxes in the attached online interview questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QR7MN2S.