
Viet Nam Energy Partnership Group
Together, Delivering the Sustainable Energy Transition in Viet Nam!

Public Consultation Workshop: DPPA Design and Pilot Planning for Viet Nam

The Public Consultation Workshop DPPA Design and Pilot Planning for Viet Nam took place on Wednesday 12 June 2019.  The consultation workshop was co-organized by the MOIT – ERAV and the USAID V-LEEP.                                                                                                           

The Public Consultation Workshop DPPA Design and Pilot Planning for Viet Nam took place on Wednesday 12 June 2019 at the Hilton Hanoi Opera. The consultation workshop was co-organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Viet Nam Low Emission Energy Program (V-LEEP). 

In the first half day workshop, the private sector investors, buyers, and members of the Government of Viet Nam and the United States Government joined Electricity Regulatory of Viet Nam (ERAV)  and USAID on discussing the Viet Nam’s proposed DPPA design and pilot planning. In addition, the dialogue on the details of a potential pilot continues in the second half of the day. The event aimed to support the Government of Viet Nam, in specific, ERAV to: 

  • Introduce the selected model and pilot program approach; 
  • Measure the strength of demand and invite comments for the selected model and potential pilot
  • Seek consensus among potential market participants on the essential elements for a successful DPPA pilot, such as:
    • Design features of the selected model;
    • Functionality of the Vietnam Wholesale Market (VWEM) and essential design elements; 
    • Potential locations for the pilot;
    • Timing of the pilot and procedures for application and acceptance; 
    • Expose Senior Government of Viet Nam officials to high levle of interest in DPPAs by Corporates and Developers.

Please find the presentations from the events: 

  1. USAID V-LEEP’s Pilot DPPA 
  2. NLDC 
  3. Heineken 
  4. ABB
  5. SunSeap
  6. NorskSolar
  7. VEPG
  8. USAID V-LEEP’s Charge Calculation 
  9. USAID V-LEEP’s Business Case
  10. Duane Morris 
  11. APX 

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