
Viet Nam Energy Partnership Group
Together, Delivering the Sustainable Energy Transition in Viet Nam!


Nov 24 2023


2:00 PM - 5:30 PM


Future Event,
VEPG and Partners Event

Technical Working Group 2 meeting on Renewable Energy on 24 November 2023

Under the framework of the Vietnam Energy Partnership Group, the Technical Working Group 2 on Renewable Energy co-chaired by the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority (MOIT) and the German Embassy will organize the second meeting in 2023, specifically as follows:

Time: 14:00 – 17:30, Friday 24 November 2023.

Format: Online via MS Team platform.

Participants: Representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and relevant ministries and line government agencies; representatives of Embassies and Development Partners, international organizations, think tanks, experts, private sectors, universities, etc.

Content: (1) Update on policies and orientation of RE development in accordance with the direction of the PDP VIII; (2) International experiences and perspectives on the RE development; (3) Update on Task Forces (Offshore wind) progress and planning and agree on VEPG TWG2 priorities and Workplan for 2024. (More details can be found in the attached agenda)

As authorized by the Chair and Co-Chair of the Technical Working Group 2 on Renewable Energy, we cordially invite you to attend the meeting. For registration, please fill in the link below:

For more information, please contact Ms. Trinh Ngoc Thuy, VEPG Secretariat at phone number: 035.308.2565 or via email:

We look forward to your participation.