Call for Proposals “Public Awareness Raising in Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency in Viet Nam”
The EU and the Government of Viet Nam represented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) concluded the signature of the Financing Agreement of the second programme, the EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Programme (SETP) of EUR 142 million on 31 December 2021. The SETP aims at a sustainable energy transition in Viet Nam through the following objectives: (i) improved energy efficiency; (ii) a larger share of renewable energy in the energy mix; and (iii) improved performance of the Viet Nam Energy Information System (VEIS). The programme will specifically support the implementation of the National Renewable Energy Development Strategy (REDS) for the period up to 2030, with a vision to 2050, the Power Development Plan 8 (PDP8) for the period 2021 – 2030, with a vision up to 2045, and the Viet Nam Energy Efficiency Programme phase 3 for the period up to 2030 (VNEEP3).
The SETP has an indicative implementation period of 72 months starting from 31 December 2021, and consists of a budget support component of EUR 121 million and complementary support measures for a total of EUR 21 million. The SETP Action Document can be downloaded HERE .
The Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority (EREA), the Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development (DEESD) and the Electricity Regulatory Authority of Viet Nam (ERAV) will cooperate with the entrusted entities implementing complementary support measures and the EU to develop the complementary support measures’ implementation plans in a manner satisfactory to MOIT. MOIT is expected to approve at least workplans, procurement plans, Terms of References and operational reports, including inception, periodical and final reports and other deliverables. The detailed implementation modalities and approval mechanisms will be further defined during the inception phase of the complementary support measures and are subject to approval of a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will supervise the entire action. It will be co-chaired by MOIT and EU and tentatively include representatives of EREA, DEESD, ERAV and entrusted entities implementing the complementary support measures.
The grant(s) component of the SETP is the subject of this call for proposals. It was designed to support public awareness on the benefits of renewable energy and energy efficiency and gender diversity in the energy sector.
The complete announcement, guidelines and other relevant documents can be found on this webpage
The reference number of this call is 173610.
The deadline for submission of the full application is 24 June 2022, 12:00 (Brussels time).
Applications must be submitted through the PROSPECT website.
Questions may be sent by e-mail no later than 21 days before the deadline for the submission of applications to the email indicating clearly the reference of the call for proposals.