Knowledge Database Sector Reports Select sourceBritish EmbassyWWFMOITLuxDevKOICAVNEEP-MOITVIET SEGIZ Search Assessment report on National PDP (revised PDP VII) - Source:MOIT - Publishing date: 30-12-2023 DOWNLOAD FOR DETAILS > Report on Action plan for building the Viet Nam Energy Information System - Source:MOIT - Publishing date: 31-01-2023 DOWNLOAD FOR DETAILS > Report on the implementation by 2022 of the Renewable Energy Development Strategy of Viet Nam to 2030, outlook to 2050 - Source:MOIT - Publishing date: 31-03-2023 DOWNLOAD FOR DETAILS > TECHNICAL MANUAL FOR MEASUREMENT, REPORTING AND VERIFICATION (MRV) IMPLEMENTATION - Source:LuxDev - Publishing date: 31-12-2019 DOWNLOAD FOR DETAILS > PROJECT RESULTS ON GHG EMISSION REDUCTIONS ACHIEVED BY LED LIGHTING SYSTEMS IN 54 SCHOOLS AND AT 26 STREETS - Source:LuxDev - Publishing date: 30-11-2022 DOWNLOAD FOR DETAILS > Verification report: Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions (Energy efficient lighting NAMA pilot in Hue city) - Source:LuxDev - Publishing date: 31-12-2022 DOWNLOAD FOR DETAILS > The Project for Promoting Investment Market for Energy Efficiency in Industrial Sector in Vietnam - Source:KOICA - Publishing date: 31-01-2020 DOWNLOAD FOR DETAILS > Energy Efficiency Project Identification Outcome Report - Source:KOICA - Publishing date: 10-04-2023 DOWNLOAD FOR DETAILS > Viet Nam’s Energy Sector Vision: TOWARDS 100% RENEWABLE ENERGY BY 2050 - Source:WWF - Publishing date: 31-03-2023 DOWNLOAD FOR DETAILS > Technical Guidelines for the planning of Renewable Energy Off-Grid Power Supply - Source:GIZ - Publishing date: 31-07-2021 DOWNLOAD FOR DETAILS > 1 2 3 4