
Viet Nam Energy Partnership Group
Together, Delivering the Sustainable Energy Transition in Viet Nam!

Launching of the Rooftop Solar Promotion Programme

The Rooftop Solar Promotion Programme, approved by the MOIT Minister in MOIT Decision 2023/QD-BCT dated July 5, 2019, was luanched on July 25th 2019. The programme activiteis will be supported by GIZ, USAID, and World Bank.                                                                      

Vice Minister of Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade Hoang Quoc Vuong and Mission Director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Vietnam Michael Greene together with representatives from other donors including the European Union, German Embassy and the World Bank attend a launch workshop on “Rooftop Solar PV Promotion Program in Vietnam”.

This activity is under the framework of the Program (the Program) to promote the development of rooftop solar (RTS) photovoltaic (PV) in Vietnam during 2019 – 2025, in order to implement the National Strategy on renewable energy through solutions on market development of rooftop solar technologies, and with the specific goal to reach one hundred (100) thousand solar roof systems (or 1,000MWp) installed and operated nationwide by the end of 2025.

Delivered an opening remark at the workshop, Vice Minister of Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade Hoang Quoc Vuong highlighted “Electricity demand continues to increase at 9-10% per year, while additional power is not enough to supplement and investment to expand power grid is still difficult. Developing RTS will help reduced pressure from not only the risk of power shortage and but also on investment request to extend power grid infrastructure and land fund (release), promoted socialization in electricity supply, supported trade development in the field of technical service and provision of renewable energy equipment, mobilized participation and awareness of citizen in electricity supply and use”.

Director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Vietnam, Mr. Michael Greene in his speech also stated, “The rooftop solar promotion program sets an ambitious but achievable target given the high potential of solar energy and the emerging market of solar systems. Unlike utility scale projects which require intensive investments in grid infrastructure, rooftop solar systems can be widely deployed without substantial upgrades to the distribution system as this technology is particularly effective at meeting local peak demand.”  

 MOIT Decision 2023/QD-BCT dated July 5 2019 on the Approval of the Rooftop Solar Promotion Programme


  1. MOIT 
  2. World Bank 
  3. GIZ
  4. USAID 
  5. EVN
  6. Cát Tường Corp
  7. DSED Đà Nẵng
  8. HD Bank