
Viet Nam Energy Partnership Group
Together, Delivering the Sustainable Energy Transition in Viet Nam!

TWG 5 Members Feedback on Policy Recommendations Progress

The VEPG Secretariat is currently developing a draft VEPG Progress Report on the implementation of the VEPG Policy Recommendations that were endorsed by the 2nd High-Level Meeting of the VEPG in November 2018. The draft report will be submitted to the next Steering Committee Meeting (6 November 2019) for approval and will then be presented at the 3rd VEPG HLM in December (10 December) for notation.

This report shall highlight the work and activities of the TWGs in past 12 months, summarize the progress made on the respective TWG Policy Recommendations as well as indicate remaining challenges and an outlook to the future work in 2019/2020. To capture and include the feedback and input from all VEPG members and stakeholders for this report, all TWGs are currently collecting this input in the ongoing 4th round of TWG meetings.

The Chair and Co-Chair of TWG 5 have agreed that the 4th meeting of TWG 5 should be organized only in November, to wait for some important developments within our focus field, in particular the first draft of the VEIS circular, the publication of the Energy Outlook Report 2019 as well as the formal start of the PDP 8 process. In November, these developments can be included to the TWG meeting and discussion.

However, to allow inputs from all TWG 5 members to be included to the draft VEPG Progress Report, the Secretariat and the Chair and Co-Chair of TWG 5 would like to ask for your inputs via this survey.

Kindly provide your input and feedback on the following key questions in relation to our three policy recommendation topic fields along the categories of Progress, Challenges, Outlook and Support.

This will only take 5-10 minutes and will help the Secretariat and the Chair and Co-Chair to develop the Progress Report!

1.      Progress

  • Which policy recommendations have been fully implemented? What have been the driving factors (including special commitment from the government, donor support, etc.)?
  • Which policy recommendations are progressing well? What have been the main factors driving this progress (including special commitment from the government, donor support, etc.)?

2.      Challenges

  • Which policy recommendation are progressing only very slowly or have not progressed at all? What are the main challenges/bottlenecks impeding progress?
  • Which actions are required to advance those policy recommendations?

3. Outlook

  • Are all the policy recommendations still relevant? Those that are not, why?
  • Are there any new developments or topics that require the addition of new policy recommendations or that should be added to our TWG focus/work?

4.      Support

  • Which Development Partner or sector stakeholder is currently supporting the respective action field (implementation of the respective policy recommendations) with project or support activities or is planning or considering such support activities in the future (i.e. for 2020/2021 particularly)? Please indicate timeframe and main objectives of these projects/activities.

For your information: The VEPG Policy Recommendations are available here.


Policy Recommendation topic 1: Establish the legal framework for the VEIS

  • Issue a MOIT decision on the approval of the VEIS Roadmap and Action Plan.
  • Develop and issue a legal decision on the implementation of the VEIS Roadmap and Action Plan.
  • Parallel preparatory work should be conducted on the terms of reference for the coordination platforms, a multi-annual VEIC work plan and the drafting of data sharing agreements.

Initial progress assessment and background information:

  • The VEIS Action Plan was issued on 14.12.2018 through MOIT Decision 4651/2018.
  • The MOIT Circular on the VEIS implementation is currently under development.

Policy Recommendation topic 2: Establish the institutional framework for the VEIS

  • Allocate an appropriate State budget for the institutional structure, including the Viet Nam Energy Information Center (VEIC).
  • Install a “VEIS leader” and an “inception team” composed of EREA, EESD, GSO representatives (among others) to initiate activities, supervise the preparatory work and coordinate with all stakeholders.
  • Install an inter-agency VEIS Steering Committee to facilitate coordinated decision making, an Energy Statistics Working Group (ESWG) for inter-ministerial technical discussions and coordination and finally, the Vietnam Energy Information Center (VEIC) to operate the VEIS and the Energy Data Management System (EDMS) on a day to day basis.

Initial progress assessment and background information:

  • The VEIS Action Plan was issued on 14.12.2018 through MOIT Decision 4651/2018.
  • The MOIT Circular on the VEIS implementation is currently under development.
  • The main institutional structure of the VEIS/VEIC will be decided after issuing the MOIT Circular on the VEIS.

Policy Recommendation topic 3: Vietnam Energy Outlook Report (EOR 2019)

  • Utilize the knowledge, findings and recommendations as well as the expertise developed in Vietnam under the EOR 2019 for the PDP VIII. The timeline of the EOR 2019 allows it to be a “testing for power sector development” that can support and enhance the development of the PDP VIII.

Initial progress assessment and background information:

  • The EOR 2019 will be published on 4 November 2019.