The EOR19 is developed by the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority under the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade in close collaboration with the Danish Energy Agency and supported by the Danish Embassy in Hanoi.
The Vietnam Energy Outlook Report 2019 is a central milestone in the Danish Energy Partnership Programme to support the development of Vietnam’s energy system in a more sustainable way through implementation of cost-optimized policy and planning. The EOR19 is developed by the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority under the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade in close collaboration with the Danish Energy Agency and supported by the Danish Embassy in Hanoi.
The report has been developed in an open process by involving energy sector stakeholders in various workshops and working groups and by arranging Balmorel model training workshops for Vietnamese stakeholders in the energy sector.

The first edition of the Vietnam Energy Outlook Report was published in 2017. At that time, it marked the initial step of providing long-term scenario-based visions for the Vietnamese energy system and it created an important foundation for energy system analysis based on state-of-the-art energy system models.
The EOR 17 was followed up by the development of Viet Nam’s first ever Technology Catalogue providing Vietnamese authorities and stakeholders with high quality data about electricity producing technologies of today and in the future. The Catalogue was launched in Hanoi in May 2019 and can be downloaded in both Vietnamese and English.
Today, the EOR19 takes this to a new level, with an updated and enriched modelling and strengthened scenario analysis. The EOR19 is based on more solid input data, including high quality projections of prices for technologies and fuels as well as energy demand, a more comprehensive set of energy models, linked together to ensure a detailed and operational setup across all sectors.
Going forward, it is expected that the Energy Outlook Report will continue to be published once every two years, thereby ensuring that the newest data and model improvements are used to back up decisions and discussions on long-term energy planning in Vietnam.
The full report can be downloaded here: English version. Vietnamese version.
Together with the EOR 19, the background documents containing 5 reports were also published. All reports can be found in English here.